Iraq, Smack, and get back Dixie Chickbats!

Intelligent and stylish, this is All Things Beautiful. (It is remarkable how many excellent bloggers are women). You go to this blog to view the art first, but then find that the content is equally impressive. Here is an example of her writing style:

Give a dog a bone... Ahem.

And promptly raise the bar to impossible heights:

Bush took full command of the political stage with his five-hour appearance in Baghdad, just days after the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and used it to showcase a new Iraqi government he hopes to turn the war over to eventually. Yet in the end, some analysts noted, it will matter only if this new government can heal societal schisms and stand up effective security forces.

Let's recap this Administration's success in Iraq:

* Elimination of any WMD threat; Check
* Regime change Iraq; Check
* Liberating Iraqis from murderous tyranny; Check
* Fair elections; Check
* Constitution; Check
* Representative government; Check
* Decimating al Qaeda; Check
* Decimating Insurgents; Check
* Preventing civil war; Check

Not enough, they say; heal societal schisms, if ever anyone could define what that actually means... Well, my middle finger is firmly up, I say.

Let us be proud instead and give credit where credit is due and stop dragging our finest through the mud, who have sacrificed everything to get us this far. Let us congratulate this Administration for it has revived the noble pledge of old, 'The Atlantic Charter', forced to be abandoned throughout the cold war, but valid just the same:

Continue reading "Moving The Goal Post" »

The idea that there were no WMDs has been thoroughly refuted and now the Moonbat claim that there were no ties between Saddam and Al Queda is also proving to be a canard. Flopping Aces does some investigating


Amy Proctor smacks down the Dixie Chicks. Yes, they are easy targets. Especially since they are whining about the loss of a great deal of their audience after their various unpatriotic remarks. Guess what, Chickbats, most of the population of the United States love their country and are pleased and proud to be Americans. When you choose to diss the country, the President and the flag, then there will be plenty of Americans who choose to quit buying your CDs and attending your shows. It's not censorship, it is personal preference. You made your beds....

Michelle Malkin says, DIXIE CHICKS QUESTION YOUR PATRIOTISM - But don't question theirs!

Speaking of which, Villainous Company exposes the cabal that is even now plotting to murder every anti-American celebrity in their beds!


San Francisco revisited. A commenter mentioned that many of the pictures that Zombie has taken of citizens of Algorica are actually from Berkeley. Some, true, and many right from San Francisco proper. Here is a NSFW link with pictures from a typical street celebration in The City. I am not being unfair, it really is a different culture there now. You think this would happen in Chicago????


Finally, on a lighter note (?), Piglet has joined the Islamic Legion of Dishonor. Angel mentions that Piglet of Winnie the Pooh fame, has joined the ranks of:

1-Satanic Verses author Sal-man Rush-die, who has been in hiding since February 1989 because of a worldwide Isl-amic fat-wa calling for his death issued by the late Ayatollah Khomeini.

2-Writer, poet, and doctor Tas-lima Nas-rin, whose 1992 novel Laffa [Shame] touched off deadly riots in her native Bangladesh and triggered a Mus-lim death sentence on her head.
Is-lamic Censorship continues..

3-Playwright Ter-ence McNally, who is the victim of a fat-wa calling for his execution should he ever enter an Is-lamic nation.

4-Nigerian journalist Isio-ma Daniel, who wrote a column prior to her country’s scheduled hosting of the 2002 Miss World Pageant. She dared to say: “The Mus-lims thought it was immoral to bring 92 women to Nigeria and ask them to revel in vanity. What would Moh-ammed think? In all honesty, he would probably have chosen a wife from one of them.” These words triggered three days of riots that claimed the lives of more than 220 people. A government official in the Nigerian state of Zamfara issued a fat-wa declaring: “Like Sal-man Rush-die, the blood of Isi-oma Daniel can be shed.

5-Nobel Prize-winning Egyptian novelist Nag-uib Mah-fouz, whose neck carries a knife wound meant to end his life. His novel Children of Gebalawi (a/k/a Children of the Alley) — which indirectly depicts Moh-ammed, Jesus, and Moses as members of the working class — and his defense of Sal-man Rush-die led to the fat-wa.

6-Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Doug Marlette. The creator of the comic strip Kudzu and syndicated political cartoons offered an acid take on Isl-amic terrorism. Taking off on the What Would Jesus Drive? ad campaign (which implies that Christ wouldn’t tool around in a gas-guzzling SUV), his late-December 2002 cartoon showed a man in Middle Eatern garb behind the wheel of a Ryder truck. In the back is a nuclear missile, and across the top of the panel is the text: “What Would Mohammed Drive?” The cartoon didn’t run in the print edition of the Tallahassee Democrat (where Marlette is on staff), but it did appear briefly on the newspaper’s Website before being yanked off. Mus-lim groups howled, and Marlette was inundated with over 4,500 emails. “They all demanded an apology,” he wrote. “Quite a few threatened mutilation and death.”

Read her entire post here.

Maybe that wasn't a lighter note after all...

Well, Happy Non-Specific Gender Parental Guardian Unit Day! Be blessed one and all!